Trainees from Shell Hamburg at I.S.T. for training

On August 27, 12 trainees from the Shell Technology Centre Hamburg were trained on pigging technology. In addition to the history of pigging technology, they were also informed about the …
I.S.T. Molchtechnik at ACHEMA 2024

We are pleased to invite you to Achema 2024, the leading trade fair for the process engineering industry. Here you can get to know the latest developments and innovations from I.S.T. Molchtechnik. …
New pigging installation at Akzo Nobel Baltics AS

Akzo Nobel Baltics AS, located in Rapla/Estonia, produces, among others, paints and varnishes for lumber preservation. Recently three pigging lines DN50 were installed that connect the product …
Transition to New Email Domain: Aligning Communications with Our Brand
We are thrilled to announce a transition to a new email domain. Effective immediately, our old email domain "" is moving to "". This decision isn't just about a …
I.S.T. pigs for food

In the food industry, pigging technology is often used to very efficiently remove residual product from transfer lines when changing between product batches. The pig is pushed through the pipelines …
День открытых дверей 2023 у нашего клиента Total в Бельгии

В сентябре наш клиент Total в Эртфельде (Бельгия) отпраздновал свое 100-летие и открыл свои двери для клиентов и поставщиков, а также всех заинтересованных сторон, а также предоставил нам возможность …
Piggable drum decanting unit (DDU)

We are currently manufacturing a drum emptying unit for a well-known lubricating oil manufacturer in Belgium. Have you ever thought about how to empty your valuable additives from drums or IBCs …
Зачищаемый клапан с нагревательной рубашкой
В этой статье мы хотели бы познакомить Вас с нашим инновационным зачищаемым Т-образным клапаном, который предназначен для различных применений, в том числе в пищевой промышленности. Этот зачищаемый …
Pigging Valves for Canada: Why TSSA Certification is Essential
Although the installation of pigging valves is becoming increasingly common in Canada, it is important to know that it is essential to purchase a valve with a TSSA certification. Why? Without this …
Pigging technology: The solution for clean and safe production
Pigging is an effective way to clean and secure production equipment. In this blog post, you will learn how pigging systems work, the benefits they offer, and what to look for during planning, …