Although I.S.T. stations and pigs are produced from high-quality chemical and heat-resistant materials, which makes them exceptionally durable, the project support and after sales service are also very important factors for a frictionless work flow of the pigging system.
An essential component for the successful implementation of pigging technology will be the experience and know-how of our experts. System conception and installation are based on decades of experience and are in the hands of highly-qualified experts in this field, thus ensuring long-term smooth operation of all I.S.T. pigging systems. Maintenance and service increase the operational life of these extremely economic systems even further.
Here you will be able to see an overview of our wide range of services:

During the initial planning phase of a pigging system experience, co-operation and innovation are critical factors for a successful end result. Here I.S.T. offers a complete service for planning and project engineering of pigging systems until the pigging system is integrated into daily operation.
Site supervision
When realising a new pigging system experienced engineering support is of major importance because any possible problems are thus avoided from the beginning. I.S.T. offers complete site supervision and realisation in cooperation with experienced partners of pipeline construction and plant control.

Test pigging
Test pigging allows new and existing lines to be tested to confirm suitability for pigging. All pipe joints, elbows, welded seams are tested to identify any problem areas. Each unevenness is recorded and evaluated by a computer. Based on the printed record I.S.T. issues a detailed report. Then all defective segments of a pipeline can be replaced systematically.
Commissioning is the launch of a pigging system. Here the single components of a system have to prove their mutual function. During this time our experienced engineers will help to ensure a smooth and trouble-free start-up of your plant.

I.S.T. can provide detailed training for plant operators on all aspects of pigging system operation and maintenance.I.S.T. can provide detailed training for plant operators on all aspects of pigging system operation and maintenance.
Repair and maintenance
The I.S.T. pigging components are made from long wearing materials. However, certain maintenance work will obviously be necessary. For replacement of seals and any other elements our experienced technicians are at your disposal; either for service at I.S.T. in Hamburg, or at your premises. Regular maintenance by I.S.T. personnel will ensure a continuous operation and avoid downtime However, in case of an "emergency" our flexible I.S.T. team will always be at your disposal to help solve any problems at site.

Technical support
For technical advice and support on all aspects of a pigging system our experienced engineers will always be at your disposal. So if you are considering a new pigging system, or planning to up-grade an existing system, you will certainly benefit from talking with I.S.T.
Do you already make the best out of your pipes?
If you are interested in a non-binding quotation, and would like further information about the benefits of this kind of services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to send you more detailed information, or to give you advice at a more personel level.